GPS Coordinates:

You can use following coordinates to find our location on any map or enter it into your gps for directions.
Lat: 42°26'56.05"N (42.448902) Lon: 18°41'12.39"E (18.686774)

Driving Directions from Croatian border:

  • Start at Croatia/Montenegro Border
  • Drive on E65 (Jadranska Magistrala) for 28km
  • In Kamenari take a Ferry Boat to Lepetani
  • When you get off the Ferry turn right on to E65 (M2) and drive about 1km
  • House will be on your left (rite before the street sign for Donja Lastva)


Contact info:

Address: Cacovo Obala 5, 85320 Tivat, Montenegro.
Phone: +382 69 085 226 or +382 32 684 817
Email Us


Weather info:


Local tansportation: